I've been a part of the fitness community for over a decade, with a background and degree in sports medicine and exercise science. I've always enjoyed assisting others on their wellness journeys, whether as an athletic trainer, in injury prevention and rehabilitation, or through yoga. It’s always brought me great joy to see a community coming together, doing what they love β€” moving their bodies. I often say, "Just move your body" as a way to get out of my own head, feel better, and connect with myself. I've found true happiness in movement within yoga.

The idea behind MOVE was to create a space where community can practice, learn, grow, and discover their own full potential. We designed an inviting, open, and authentic environment that reflects our studio's values. Our practice is an ongoing journey, and we've developed five concepts aimed at enabling the experience of daily movement in various ways. Our team is dedicated to helping every student on their health and wellness journey. It was crucial to establish a space where everyone feels supported, whether it's their first time or the hundredth on their mat. Expect to be challenged, and expect to receive support through body alignment and muscle-deepening cues. We strive to help you understand the purpose behind our physical practice, unlocking your own reasons for moving your body.

Why do you choose to move?